Friday, May 8, 2020

One for Two

Lauren brought in Fizzy and  Berry, one year old cats possibly siblings. The girl is the fluffy but I don't know if she is Fizzy or Berry. They are very loving which is not surprising if they were fostered with Lauren.
Lauren took Katie home. Lucky Katie.



I suggested that Harriet's kittens be moved out of the corner condo as they are big enough to be desexed but while they look as though butter wouldn't melt in their mouths, they are a bit shy. The ginger and white boys are especially skitty. I have the scratches to prove it. They were scratching so I Frontlined them as I transferred them to the wheely cage.

After a while they gathered the courage to explore. I wonder if this is the pecking order: one on each level.

Diamond (tuxedo) and Hera (tabby) are still recovering from Wednesday's adventure.

I had some time to smooch with the cats. Jewell prefers to be patted through her upturned bed. She should be called Clayton (after the drink you have when you aren't having a drink: because she is the cat you don't have even though you have a cat. Avalon didn't know what I was talking about when I tried to remember the name. She came in to be trained to help with the vet visits. . . . hurrah.)

It got quite busy in the afternoon. The neighbour of the mother and son who came in on Wednesday dropped by. She is desperate for a pair of cats but lives at home with her parents who don't want cats. She was thrilled to see each cat. Would have hugged them all if I had let her. The kittens were especially thrilling as they were whom her neighbours visited. She has taken Sue's email addy and intends to volunteer while she works on her parents.

Then the nurse (small, Irish) from next door dropped by to see if we had an Elizabethan collar to fit an adult but not so big that it would get stuck in the cat flap at 3am and wake the family. I said she could have one of ours if she brought it back, washed. So she came, with her small son and proceeded to photograph all the cats for her neighbour who needs a cat. Evidently "Linda" has a 3 year old Burmese who desperately needs somebody to play with. The person isn't good enough at playing. Eventually she gave us a donation for the collar (Tim's smart suggestion) and we hope her friend will be in when the kittens are desexed.

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