Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Two for one

Jaffa had a note on her name card for weeks "Save for . . . " She has gone. So I assumed she went to the lady who had adopted Jewel but didn't have the right kind of house for this shy cat. There were no hiding places for her.

But, that lady took Tessa because she is friendly and relaxed (and also a beautiful tortie). 

Then a mother and daughter came in to look for a cat. They saw Jaffa and Josie. They took both. Now when Josie gets upset and noisy, her mother can calm her down. Perfect.
Jaffa and Josie (on right)

This is Berry (Busy Berry the boy)
And this is Fizzy (Furry Fizzy the female)

They are both very friendly and desperate to get out for cuddles and play. As is Cecily in the corner below Buffy. 

Willow has a condo to herself now because her kittens have ringworm! They are in a wheely cage where the litter bags used to be. . . . they need further social distancing but there is no space unless we put them in the office which would be cruel. I suspect that Willow is coming into heat. . we will fix that for her.

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