Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Old friends

Ham was returned. They let him out of his safe room too soon and he got confused and was noisy. Catsie cooed at him but he is still behind a modesty cloth.


Katie is back. She was beating up on another of Lauren's foster cats. I suspect that she wanted Miles bed all to herself.

Harriet was adopted. I hope she doesn't come back.
And whoever takes Jasmine would be a fool to let anybody else get their hands on her.


Chevy is good at getting out of his condo. On Monday he was found, after a long search, under the clean laundry shelves in a very small space. He should be picked up by Clare soon (and perhaps exchanged by a pregnant mother).

Chevy (another photo just in case you have to find him)

Poor Ashleigh lost two of her kittens. She has two left. Let's hope that these survive.

 WIllow's kittens are doing a brilliant job of dirtying their condos. Even Willow's was grubby. I gave them all a good cleaning and fresh bedding. The kittens managed to drown theirs in no time. Sigh.

 Willow and kittens
They don't look wormy at all so the medication is working. They really loved some new toys.

 Marmelade has to balance on the edge of his litter try and duck under his upper shelf to get to his water bowl. Good thing he is a cat and is flexible.

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