Friday, May 15, 2020

Home again

Maggie and Kit Kat went home today. Really home. To the people that they came from. Since they have been with us the parents have moved again to a place where they can have the cats and the daughter has returned from Canada and from Canberra where she was going to go to uni but Covid cancelled that plan. Hurrah for Covid!
Maggie and Kit Kat and Fi
Their owners only brought one cat carrier (borrowed from a neighbour). The cats inspected it, with their door open for a while and decided to stay in their condo. I offered to lend them another carrier which was good because while Maggie went into her's quite quietly, Kit Kat had to be inserted backwards. By this time they should be curled up on Fi's bed. It seems that Kit Kat learned to play with water in the house they had with a pool.

Just before this happy time, a women and her daughter surrendered Shiba (or Shifty but we have renamed him) -- a dearly beloved, 8 year old cat who is the collateral damage of a broken marriage. I suppose we should be happy that we don't get the small child.
The vet came with his nurse. They peered at, poked and jabbed almost everybody who needed it. They confirmed that Willow's kittens do have ringworm. They have been moved to the condo block next to the horror wall art with quarantine signs. They will be treated with anti-fungals in their food (but not by baths as was the practice at AWL). 

W-kittens in lock down.
The vet checked and passed lots of the cats who were waiting for clearance. So now Indy is available. Tim tried to get a good photo.

As is her neighbour, Tam.


 And Berry and Fizzy who are impossible to photograph because all they want is OUT or CUDDLES.

There is another new cat, now available, Jasmine. Her kittens were accepted by AWL but she wasn't. She is so beautiful that she could be called Bengalese.
Sootie was adopted on Wednesday afternoon. I took the phone call (Tim was next door feeding Angus at the time, I think) from a bloke who had been talking to Tim about either him or some other cat. He asked if he could come to visit that afternoon. I said Sure!

After we had finished the cleaning up, I asked Ros to give him extra loving to soften him up for a visitor. It worked!

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