. . . . the squeaky front door. All it needed was a squirt of WD40 on the top most hinge. I left the almost empty spray can of WD40 just in case the squeak returns.
It was nice to get something right. I drove from tennis via Pet-O vet where I was to pick up something for Tim. When I arrived at SH, I had got the wrong thing. So I went back, eventually, and got 13 vaccination booklets. Some of these cats have already been adopted so their vaccination records will have to be mailed out or delivered by vollies.
A couple came in from next door with their cat -- he had been groomed. It was Sammy, the 10th cat that we adopted (from Bron's in Avalon). The new owner had, as instructed, mailed off his
change of owner form to the council so he would be registered, along with the fee,
in cash. Dr Kim discovered that Sammy is still registered to us. Which means that the forms (and cash) never arrived at the person who was to update his record. Now they have learned, the hard way, never to put money in the post. We have a friend, Sara, who will take credit card details over the phone to pay for cat registration.
While their problem was being sorted, by Tim, Shumai put on a great show. I had combed him just before they arrived and it must have put the happy into him. He tossed a pellet of litter around, then rolled around with his comb and generally made himself look charming. His heart murmur doesn't slow him down.
Tim was happy for me to name 4 mth kitten "Quatro" and 8 mth kitten "Octavia" (she is a calico). So while he was off doing the banking, I made friends with Quatro who had not eaten her breakfast. She eagerly ate her wet food from my finger and eventually tried the crunchies.

While I crooned sweet nothings to her I heard gentle calls coming from Charlie's condo. So I crooned to him through his mesh. The perspex is covered with cloth so the interior is quite dark and all I could see, pressing my nose to the mesh, was a black, fluffy face. But when I held the camera to the mesh and pressed the button, I got the following photo, without any flash:

What a clever camera. So I tried the same croon/photo on Leopold:

Not very illuminating but better than nothing.