Friday, June 4, 2021

Caesar adopted

Thursday was a bumper adoption day. Caesar was adopted. As were Gale and Primrose. I thought that the nice couple who came on Wednesday afternoon came back to get Gale. But they wanted him as a companion for their 2yr old girl cat. And Gale and Primrose were adopted by the same people. So it seems unlikely that the couple would have adoped two kittens to keep their shy cat company. Never mind. There is still a black kitten from that litter in the play place along with a tabby girl. We hope for a record breaking Saturday with Terry. Belle's kittens were looking more frisky today. They hadn't eaten all their crunchies. But they weren't ID crunchies so perhaps they didn't taste right.
The Japanese kitten who was adopted last weekend came in to be boarded over this weekend. He cried himself to sleep after lunch but then revived for a game. Pity we couldn't put him back with his mum and two remaining siblings. His name is now Maxwell.
My afternoon of "improving cat behaviour" was disrupted by having to pick up the new cats in Incoming, Whiskey, Socksie and Max from Warringah mall where they had been sent for desexing and deliver Honey and her two kittens back to Clare in Dee Why. The fosterer who first "found" Honey (actually Honey found her when she just turned up on the doorstep) wants to adopt her and the two kittens. So we can stop trying to think of two H names. The kittens are both female. . . Haley, Holly, Honoria, Hester. . . . . And Tim recounted that the foster children had named Whiskey and Socksie. They don't know about Scotch. Plus, they called the kitten without the white socks Socksie. Whiskey is the one with the socks! I tried to get a photo of Lillian who smooches the glass when you walk by. But when you open her door, she backs off. And she doesn't perform if there is a camera pointed at her.
But Pearl is happy to knead her bed despite a camera in her face.

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