Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Masks on

I should be on my way to the SAFE fundraising performance of Blythe Spirit. But when I got home from SAFE this evening, hubby Jo sneezed and confessed that he has a "cold". He has been out and about in Sydney in the past 10 days and has had one AZ vaccination. We are not taking any chances and will stay at home tonight, get tested tomorrow and . . . . . . ? In the meantime, at SAFE today, a lovely young couple came in to find a friend from the 6 yr old cat that she adopted a couple of years ago from a shelter. He was repeatedly paired with a little kitten, had a lovely time playing with the kitten, then the kitten got adopted. She took pity on him. He was shy when he first went home with her but soon became a playing crazy. He needs a cat to play with. There are lots of cats and kittens available at the moment. They met them all and finally, assisted by a cup of coffee offsite, selected Haymitch. So the Googly Eyes kittens have all found homes. How nice is that! I had moved him into Baxter's condo first thing so that I could free up the play place during the day. There was a succession of feline frolics helped by Robyn's step daughter Kristie. In Incoming there is a cat named Cat. . . . after our Catsie? who also came to help clean and wash up. . . . she definitely earns angel points.
and a kitten called Riley who refused to eat Baby Cat or anything else, all day.
Marigold has been moved to where Mini was. She seems more friendly there. Mini is in the wheely cage. Tim noticed that she had not moved from the bottom layer. He transferred her water bowl down to that level. She drank for 20 minutes. Today, I put her food one layer above where I had tucked a towel. She jumped up for food! I think we should change Sooty's name to Soothy (with a lisp). Her tongue always shows. Maybe she doesn't have any front teeth to keep in in?
Harry and Harley usually lie together in their hammock. I struck me that they only have one hammock. They usually have a argy bargy about which bowl of food is the best. So I put in another hammock. They had a lovely time, one in each, batting and playing with each other. Watch and learn.

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