Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Lockdown = Adoptions

Joy tells me that Coco has moved in and taken over her friends' Barb and David's lives and appartments. They can't believe that she is 9 years old. She is so active. Since she was adopted on Friday, Dudley, Luke and Rosie, Misty, Rosco, Sylvi, Sprinkles, Ken, Kosta and Murphy (today) have been adopted as well. A group of teenagers came (with parental approval) to get a small boy and Murphy chose them. It is amazing how much teenaged boys love kittens. But they have no idea how to hold them or cuddle them. I had to teach them. . . . its a hard job. Then an older couple arrived with their autistic, adult son. He had chosen Chloe from the web site. The parents thought they should come see. Chloe hid as far away in the play place that she could get, of course. Cooper was interested. After I went in and picked him up, cuddled, handed him over, he was quite happy with them. But the son was fixated on Chloe. So we looked at all the other young adults available. They took photos of the ones that he liked. They have gone away to think about it. Such a nice family group. Then an Indian family arrived looking for a dog/puppy. I told them to email Steph. Which got me to 3:30. I threw dinner at the cats and brought my sorry, cold infected bones home. With all the adoptions there have been movements. Lucky is below Ebony. She is not in the carrier, which is a surprise. And Joy said that she didn't spit when cleaned up.
Valentino is next door and wants to step into the arms of anybody who opens his door.
The lovely Riley remains in Incoming. He has lost his terror but is still a little shy. Joy has discovered that he loves playing with a ping pong ball.
Diagonally below him is a new young cat, Daisy who is a love. She has a suspicioulsy swollen belly.
The kittens in Quarrantine are Spot and Smudge. Don't know who is who as they both have spots. They have been in a foster home and are super friendly (and hungry).

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