Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The charm of Valentino

We were down to 72 cats when I arrived this morning. And then Terry came to take Kendra and her four kittens to Mona Vale. And I took Apricot to Beaches Vet in Manly Vale because Tim forgot to take her yesterday. Down to 66 when I got back in time for breakfast.. . . except I was really LATE for breakfast according to the cats. Since last Friday only Bonnie and Sandy have been adopted so it must be the boarders going home that made all the difference. And today a lovely couple who live locally and just happened upon us adopted Button. They have a quiet older, black cat and a rabbit so wanted a younger friendly, chatty kitten to perk up the house which has three kids including an HSC candidate. It was the husband who made the decision. The wife would have taken the smallest kittens who happen to be Sylvi, Sylvester and Dudley (he has white on his face) who are in the stand alone cage next to Sugar. (Sage was taken home yesterday.)
During the day a woman rang to adopt Valentino. ???. By a process of elimination, I guess he is the ginger boy in the stand alone in incoming. He has a shaved area and a red spot on his jaw. Seems a sweet boy. She said that she knows him from his foster home and wants him. I told him to phone Tim tomorrow (my standard response).
Max across the way is just as good looking.
But the most charming, delightful thing I discovered to day was . . . . . the store room which is clean, tidy, with shelves. THANK YOU Irene and Peter and whoever else helped.

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