Friday, June 11, 2021

Musical condos

Stop the music when Prue is exhausted. Because Pearl went to the vet this afternoon, Irene, with Tim's approval, instituted a major move of cats. All those who are available are out front, those who need more time are out back and only boarders are in Boarding, except for Kendra. Kendra and her kittens are on special diets. Kimmy was very flat today so was put into the sick bay in the outer office. She yelled so loudly that they brought Kate to keep her company. It perked Kimmy up.
The person who adopted Sage came back and adopted Sugar as well. How sensible is that! And a nice man came in looking for a black and white cat (not a kitten) and was talked into Sammy. So two wheely cages were free. I moved Roscoe into Sammy's and Whiskey and Socksie into Sage's. They were delighted to be out of the outer office. And first thing they did was to introduce themselves to their neighbours. Later Steph came, with lashings of litter, and spent lots of time giving them all cuddles which was exactly what they (both 2 and 4 leggeds) all needed.
And Coco the 11 year old Burmese arrived. She is in Celeste's condo. I don't know where Celeste is . . . . I hope in a foster home. Strange that we have two Burmese cats in residence and they are both called Coco. This Coco will not be with us for long, is my guess.
I moved Baxter into Roscoe's condo. Pearl went into Baxter's condo out back when she got home from the vets. I moved Misty into Pearl's condo and then Romeo and Juliette into Misty's condo (that was an exciting job as Romeo decided not to be picked up but did a runner from the carry cage that I had enticed him into with chicken. He ran into Myuki's condo mid sterilization and I cornered him into the carrier to deliver him to his girlfriend. Neither seemed very thrilled.) A lovely couple came and adopted Mako. He was posted on Facebook and Instagram and created a positive storm of interest. The new owners are experienced with shy cats and I think he will settle well with them. I moved Myuki into Mako's condo and then Anthony and Cleopatra into Myuki's condo. In between each move the condos were sterilized, of course. I am knackered. But I did manage to update all the sheets that tell which cat is where.

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