Friday, June 25, 2021

Begone the other Coco

We got our Covid tests on Thursday morning and by Friday morning our results came back negative. But at Safe today, everybody wore masks. Including Joy's friend Barbara who came to choose a cat. Irene and I twisted her arm and she chose Coco who has just become available over Miyuki who tolerated being held by me but skedaddled to her upper shelf when Barb tried to take over and Peggy who was prepared to be patted by Irene but gave Barbara THE KEEP AWAY LOOK. (Peggy is available now too). It was a no brainer and they will live happily every after. We will get regular updates from Joy and in the meantime Coco (of C & Mason) is happy to be the only Coco at last.
Sandy reports that Ashleigh finds all the narrowest, darkest places to hide in her room. She will take a long time to realise how lucky she is now. Belle is looking much better. She is almost plump. I gave her a tiny bit of chicken this afternoon because she usually misses out. Let's see if it upsets her tummy.
And Apricot is getting friendlier. After her bit of chicken I picked her up and felt stitches. It is ages since she was desexed. So Tim removed them and let's hope that she cleans up the scar which looked a bit scabby. Chilli and Murphy had a great play in the play place followed by Sabrina's two. We decided that she would be happier to have their condo all to herself. She actually enjoyed getting ALL THE CHICKEN.

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