Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Incoming welcome

Now that we do not have any sick cats who need to be isolated, the outer office has an "Incoming" area. With occupants who must have come in last night after I talked to Tim at 4:45 pm. They are Whisky and Socksie (who should have been named Scotchie with a brother named Whiskey!) They take their job of welcoming seriously.
There were 81 cats in house despite the number adopted over the weekend. I had plenty of volunteers to fill in the gaps of Rod having to leave early to get his jab, and Katey arriving late because she has been worked hard housesitting dogs. But Catsie dropped by to help so everybody was happy. The Hungergames kittens (formerly the Gooey eyed kittens) are in the play place because all bar two of Silky's kittens are left and one of them, Sage has been adopted and will be picked up on the weekend. The Hungergames kittens are great purrers so should be snapped up quickly. A couple inspected each available cat/kitten this afternoon to choose a companion for their 2yr old girl cat and he liked Dale (Hungergame boy) but she liked the grey Japanese. So they went away to think about it.
Another couple came to get a little kitten. Any little kitten. The littler the better. The grey and white fluffy Japanese kitten appealed to her but he perhaps wanted something smaller. They may come back later. I did not show them Honey's kittens who are deliciously little. Barb Webster, who visited later, would have taken them home except that she knows how much work tiny kittens are.
Robyn had a lovely time with "her" litter. Button was not interested in eating today. But Belle is.
Just in case you wondered, Ashleigh is still with us. She looked perfectly relaxed on top of her carry cage this afternoon until I put the camera against her perspex to get a good photo. Too close, Prue.
And Mia and Bella still love each other despite the fact that they really need to be adopted. They would love each other much more if they had a little more space.

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