Thursday, May 12, 2022

Adoption Tails: Patches, Vinny and Andy

Andy Adopted April 9, 22 

1 day: He's going well. He has eaten and used his litter box. He's come out a couple of times for pats but has mostly stayed hidden under a cupboard. He escaped from the laundry and decided to make his new owner's office his room. 

1 week: He has explored around the house and is happy. 1 month: Andy has fully settled in. He moves around the whole house confidently, and is playing and eating normally. 
Andy at play
1 month: No message sent but the photo says it all.

Andy at work
Vinny, Adopted April 5, 22 

1 day: Vinny is doing quite well. He is eating, drinking and using the litter. Starting to explore out of his safe room a bit and is curious about our dog. Kept his name Vinny.

1 week: He is doing well!!! He is exploring the upstairs area and going on the balcony. He is slowly coming downstairs. 

Patches, Adopted April 4, 22 

1 day: Settling down... he has been drinking and eating. I think he is still trying to find his bearings as he hides under furniture but will be perfectly fine as he is actually quite playful.

His owner then sent photos rather than words.



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