It was lovely to see him again. But he has lost his prime position in the upper row of Cat Palace condos and is at knee level in the old AWL condos. Nevertheless he did smile when he saw me and positively glowed when Joy arrived.
Diego, home again
The woman who adopted Coco came to return the fluffy bed that she bought from us when she got Coco. Coco took one sniff and turned her back on it. I swapped it for a hammock that I made last week with a gingerish cat in mind.
Bottom left is Coco's new hammock
They are very happy together. She sent photos. And picked up the worming/flea treatment that was needed.
Coco at home
The other Coco is happy also. I gave her an new box. She promptly jumped on top of it. She
had chewed the previous one into instability.
Coco |
Simba and Khandi were picked up by a lovely young woman who has been waiting for ages for them to be ready to be adopted. She and her partner fell in love with them months ago and are so thrilled to have them home. I lent her a carrier big enough for two adult cats to take them home in. She brought it back and reported that S & K are exploring their bedroom for excellent hiding places . .. . . under the bed didn't work: it is too low but there are plenty of others provided.
A 60-something bloke rang this morning to ask about Ruby. He wants an older cat to share his life. He has had rescue cats before, frequently. The last one, that he got from RSPCA didn't last as long as expected. The cat developed renal failure shortly after settling in. Undeterred, he wants another older cat and thinks that Ruby might be perfect. I encouraged that idea and he will be in tomorrow to meet her. Strangely enough, Ruby usually stays in her bed, hidden away. But today she was out and about in the visible part of her condo as though waiting for somebody. Fingers crossed.
Ruby |
Sandy started her new role as my afternoon buddy today. I kept her busy all the afternoon and was very grateful for her help. It's a hard job but somebody has to do it.
Sandy with George
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