Friday, May 27, 2022

Max is back

 I misnamed the escapee cat on Wednesday. It was Hana not Luna. I have corrected the blog. She has settled back into her condo. She must have told Lucy next door all about it last night because when I arrived around noon, all we could see of Lucy was her feet and her dream twitchy tail. She woke up in time for chicken.

Lucy's feet
But Max is back. Things seemed to be going well. He was getting on well with his new man . . . . accepting pats and laps and exploring the apartment. Then Max bit the man. The man had to go to hospital to have intravenous antibiotics. Max came back to us. He doesn't seem too upset. He was keen for chicken and enjoyed my company while I ate my lunch sitting on the white stool in front of his condo.
Max watching me
I spent the time trying to see differences between Princess and Precious. They both have short white front socks, long back socks, white bibs and tummies. The only difference I could pick was that one, on her left front paw has a black little toe and the other has all white toes. One black toe is Precious from her microchip. She is the shy one. Princess has all white toes and it more confident. . . . if anybody asks!

There is no difference between Bear and Ebby. Their mum, Ruby was adopted this afternoon by a woman who spent her time recovering from elbow surgery by scanning the "cats available" websites. Her 10th cat got tick bitten. She was delighted to find us, and came to choose between Ruby and Sootie. Not a hard choice if you want a lap cat.

And Katie found a home for Archie. He went home with the woman who came on Thursday to buy Mayka. They did all the paperwork and had the long discussion about Mayka being a shy cat and possibly never a lap cat. And the lady was keen. But when it came time to put Mayka into a carry cage, the cat wasn't having a bar of it. The lady decided that Mayka was not for her after all! She will be so happy with Archie.

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