Wednesday, May 18, 2022

More Gingers

 Since last Wednesday, Gracie, Dumpling and Matteo have been adopted from Safe Haven and Suga and Hazelnut from foster. To counterbalance that outflow, we have new cats, currently parked in Boarding but soon to be elsewhere. Like Puma who is a young (6-12 month old) ginger whose fur reminds me of a Burmese's fur. But his face is all ginger DSH:


He is a loving armful and had a fine time in the play place.

Next door is Monika who most folk would call a boy because most gingers are boys.


But poor Zoe (not the old one but a new one) in Incoming went to the vet to be checked and came back a Zack and without any teeth. He is on soft food only at the moment. The old Zoe has gone to foster along with Archie and Beckie. I had a frantic phone call at 8:30am from her fosterer to say, on a very bad line, that she had found a paw in her carrier. I called back and learned that it was a claw not a paw so explained that cats shed their claw sheaths regularly. Peach also went to the vet and came back without any teeth. She has retired to her bed box.

Back to the new kids in Boarding. There is Yoko and Linda. Don't know who named them. Or who is who.

Yoko and Linda
And there are two new mums with kittens that Joy didn't get a photo of. Next time.

In the meantime, Cheena and Bubbles are settling down with us.

Cheena and Bubbles
And Wanda's kids are ready to move to the Cat Room and get adopted. . . . but only if those blinky eyes are not flu. . . . ..
Quentin, Bingo, Pickles, Squiggle
(Can we please change Squiggle's name to Squire. Imagine how undignified the cat will be as an adult being called Squiggle!)

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