Friday, May 13, 2022

Adoption Tails: Tigger

 My afternoon was taken over by a training session about the new computer adoption program that will be installed on May 20. Lots to take in but we have a practice version to play with in the meantime.

So I only had time to quickly give each cat a bit of chicken before it was time to come home. The new cat Suzy is a sweetie . . . . just overwhelmed at being somewhere strange. 

And we are up to 1002 animals taken into Safe. Time for a celebration! And who better to celebrate with than Tigger now called Boston.

 TIgger, adopted April 5, '22

1 day: We decided to call him Boston instead as my son wanted to do so. He has been eating and drinking water well, wee three times that I know so far in the litter but no poo yet since he came here yesterday morning. One concern I have is that I noticed distinctive smell from his mouth when I collected him yesterday. I have already mentioned to Tim, he checked Boston's teeth and gums, noticed it is slightly red. He suggested me to get a product called Oxynfresh to add in the water to prevent further infection which I have ordered already. I worry if he is in pain and can't chew dry food as I didn't hear any biting sound when he ate last night. I tried slightly larger dry food this morning I heard he bites so it made me feel better. Boston's eyes are slightly watery and heard sneeze a couple of times..

Luna (resident cat) has been very curious. 

1 week: Boston has been great and already interacting with Luna in the same room without fighting at all, they play together and sniff each other for greetings. I hesitated but trusted my guts that they will be fine after I put Boston in the carrier cage and brought him out to show Luna many times a day before let him out. Boston started meowing lots at the door and wanted to get out as well. Boston acts like he has been here for long time already relaxing on the sofa and everywhere.
Boston likes the water with Oxyfresh, I think it is getting better slowly. Smell slightly changed from infection smell to more cat food smell.

1 month: Boston has been very well and settled down with Luna. He has been eating well also. His breath smells still though but maybe I worry too much. I opened an Instagram account for Boston and Luna (@lunandboston)

Boston and Luna

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