Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Adoption Tails: Ruby


Remember the nice older man who came the day after we chatted on Wednesday to adopt Ruby (who was returned because she bit the previous, "extremely experienced" adopters:

 Ruby, adopted May 5, 22
1 day: "Ruby is a real sweetie! She is a little timid but very smoochy. She likes to spend time close to me and has eaten a couple of times and used the litter tray. She seems to be settling in remarkably well. She doesn't show any inclination to bite or scratch. I have given no thought to a new name.

1 week: I feel like I have hit the jackpot with Ruby, she is so sweet and gentle. She is settling in remarkably smoothly, not much sign of shell. She has been a lapcat since the 2nd evening and sleeps on my bed at night and other times. She has been out the backdoor a few times but is very much a homebody so I don't have to worry she will slip out a door and disappear. She seems very content, so all bodes well.”

Ruby 1 week

1 month: In the early days Ruby would sometimes stare at me with a quizzical expression, presumably wondering why she wasn't in her old home with her old staff.  But she has settled into a routine now.  She hasn't turned out to be a lap cat but she has various places she likes to sleep, mainly in the house.  But like other cats before her, she often sits on the bench outside the back door where she can enjoy the sun and see what's doing in the house at the same time.  She sleeps on my bed every night, and often in the daytime on these cold days.  So all in all she seems to be doing fine.

Ruby 1 month


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