Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Shock and horror

 The shock happened half way to Safe Haven this morning. I realised that I still had my slippers on.

Luckily my tennis racket and shoes live in my car so I had something to wear and didn't have to expose the uggies to the germs in SH. There is lots of flu about. Diego leaned into my hand when I gave him his breakfast. I thought that he was just pleased to see me but he probably had a headache and wanted some comfort.

Diego last week, pre flu

The horror came from Mariko who saw Linda vomit and called for help. Sandy and I came running and said "Not to worry, it is probably only a hair ball". And sure enough, another heave and up came a 4 inch one. Mariko was impressed. We said that it is the price of being beautiful.
We found a perfect sized box for Coco. She spent the morning in it, making it shake and quiver until she had chewed a hole in one corner big enough to use as a door. She was a happy rabbit.

Because Chloe was adopted I moved Violet, all of whose kittens now have homes,  into her stand alone. And Oreo moved into Violet's condo. He was discombobulated and tried to hide under his blanket. The coffee shop kittens were in the play place all weekend. I moved them out because a boarder has paid to spend time there. It was easy. I wheeled in their stand alone, put their breakfasts in there. They hopped in. I shut the doors and wheeled them back to their place below the clock. Later Mayka had a wheel in. Sandy opened her doors. She hopped out and explored. Later, when Sandy came with treats, Mayka hopped back into her SA. What a good girl!

Adelaide was died yesterday. We hope that Sydney doesn't have the same, unexplained, possibly neurological condition. He actually came out of his sleeping box to ask for dinner this afternoon.

Adelaide with Sydney before he got sick

Florence is much better than last week. She can breath through her nose now and is eating to catch up. And Midsummer is enjoying a holiday at Catsie's house. She is one fast kitten who only stops when she is asleep.


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