Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Visited by poo bag fairies

 I have a very sore throat (RAT negative) so I was delighted on this very cold morning to arrive at Safe to find the balcony empty of poo bags. Many thanks to the poo bag fairies who made my morning easier. Last week there were 26 bags to take down.

No adoptions today but a young woman arrived to check out our kittens. The family cat died a year and a half ago and the family feels ready to take on another. She was taken by Ebby (being our smallest kitten available) but has to share the decision with her mother and her sister. She will be back when they get home from holidays. Some folk take a long time to get over a cat.

On the other hand, an older woman rang to ask if we have any kittens. Her cat died of liver failure aged 17 two weeks ago and she is bereft without a cat in the apartment. She will come on the weekend when her "boys" can drive her. They can also show her our web site as she doesn't do computers.

The Supermodel litter (Cindy, Helena, etc) are getting a bit friendlier but do not like having stuff put in their eyes. Luckily only two need the uggy ointment. So the other two are getting more pats.

Kate, Naomi, Cindy and Helena

I made a couple of hammocks for the Cannin Condo. Star's kittens say that only one kitten fits at a time.

They are still sneezing although their ring worm lesions look better.

Wanda is off to be desexed tomorrow. (She is looking positively plump). Monica is off for the op as well.

Last night Tim had to rush Adelaide to the vets because he was very sick. Didn't hear what happened. Sydney looked lonely.

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