Sunday, June 19, 2022

Adoption Tails: Bambi and Luigi

 Bambi and Luigi: adopted May 19 2022
Bambi, day 1
1 day: Bambi and Luigi are so beautiful, curious and confident cats. They have settled in so well into her daughter's room. They jumped up and slept on her bed and under the doona! They have had their meds in their meals and used their litter tray. They haven’t stopped purring. They love attention. So sweet and they are all in love with them. Bambi and Gigi quickly made themselves at home
Bambi and Luigi, day 1
1 week: They're dying to explore the house! They are 80% relaxed here
and they seem to be tolerating each other. Bambi is definitely more shy. Our dog has eaten their dinner once or twice. All going well so far.
1 month: Bambi and Luigi are beautiful and happy. They are having their first clip groom session at the vet on Tuesday. Their new owner brushes both daily when they are eating or just finished but Bambi is developing some knots on her tummy. The vet knows to be gentle and if they are not happy he will sedate them. She doesn’t want them to be scared.

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