Thursday, June 9, 2022

Adoption Tails: Thanks Sydney

Jackson, adopted April 26, 22
1 day: He's purring like crazy. Eating dry food and roast chicken, and drinking water. He's been renamed Archie. He has been sitting next to his new owner while she's working.
1 week: no follow up.1 month: Archie is great. He's very settled and has a massive appetite.  He loves to sleep on the owner's bed, and on her arm when she's typing on the computer. "He definitely rules the roost!"
Basil and Piglet, adopted May 1, 22
B & P day 1
1 day: They have settled in well, and are out and about playing with  each other, chasing around. They used the litter, are eating plenty and are being vocal. They are getting used to their new owners, Basil is more confident and will let you pick him up, purrs and likes attention. Piglet is still a little nervous but will still approach if you have food and will let you touch him. Their names were changed: Basil is George and Piglet is Edward. They have been causing havoc, chasing each other and knocking plants over.1 week: They're doing really well,  running around a lot and chasing each other, eating well. George is very comfortable now. Edward is still quite nervous but making progress and getting more confident1 month: They're really settled, in a good routine. They're eating, playing and cuddling with their owners. Everyone is happy

B & P 1 month
Pecan, adopted May 5, 22
1 day: He settled in instantly and has been so inquisitive and cuddly since he was brought home. He's been renamed Basil/Baz and is starting to respond to his name. He used the litter tray in the first 30 minutes and has been eating and drinking lots. "We've got the perfect kitten!". Stacy and her family did an amazing job raising him to be so friendly.
Pecan, day 1
1 week: He's going so well. He was exploring from the moment he was brought home. He sleeps a lot during the day and gets very playful at night time. He hasn't been shy or scared at all.
Pecan, day 1
 1 month: He's got a huge 1.5m climbing post which keeps him fit and entertained during playtime. At night he sleeps in a few different beds around the apartment. He seems to be a very happy kitty, is eating well and loves a cuddle on their lap watching TV. He's responding to his name too.
Pecan, day 1

 George, adopted May 9, 22
1 day: He is doing really well, he is very affectionate and has used the litter tray. He has eaten all his meals and is such a sweet boy. "He is the absolute sweetest cat I've ever met"
George day 1

1 week: He's settling in well and is a bit crazy when they try to eat something. He is super cuddly and sweet and is exploring rooms. He has been renamed Biscuit. He is meowing a lot, even when he's being patted. It's all the time, but mostly when he is hungry. He sat outside the bathroom door when his owner was showering and meowed a lot.
1 month: He is really good. He has explored all of the rooms but he still isn't a big fan of the bedroom. He also is still very vocal but we are working with him on that! Today is the first morning he hasn't meowed since 6am for food! He still loves cuddles and is really fond of kisses on his head and he likes to try and climb up the owner's leg for hugs. If she holds him, he will wrap his arms around her neck and snuggle in as well. He is such a sweet cat. Very affectionate and full of personality!

George 1 week

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