Friday, June 3, 2022

Adoption tails: Coco again

 Further news of Coco who was adopted a month ago:

 Coco, adopted May 1, 22

1 month: We are amazing! Coco is good in the unit. We are the best of friends.

 She would still like to open a window if she could, but is happy and content. I refuse to sleep with her. She thinks bed time is play time. So I shut the lounge room off at night. She doesn't like it but she is as good as gold. 
Coco often goes and has a sniff in the corridor. Comes back on her accord. 
"Come on Mum"
This morning, we walked down to the vet and she had her nails cut. She was a good girl. She really says thank you when I care for her.

Rufus, adopted April 26, 22

Rufus at home
 1 day: Rufus is staying in a separate room. He ate a little bit of dry food before hiding at the top of the room, has not drank nor toileted yet.

1 week: Still spends much of the day at the top but will come down for food, water and toilet. He is curious and looks at his owner & others when they come into his room.
1 month: Rufus is really good. Most of the time he is on the ground and playing with the resident cat. Unexpectedly they are super friendly with each other. Rufus is being spoiled and gaining weight so he won't fit into the roof soon.

Rufus and friend

Piglet, adopted April 3, 22. Now called Luci

No follow up reports from 1 day or 1 week.
1 month: She is doing well and emailed some photos Luci napping with Donna the dog.
Donna and Luci

Luci previously Piglet
The other Piglet we had has also been renamed.

Basil and Piglet adopted May 1, 2022
1 day: They have settled in well, are out and about playing with each other, chasing around. They used the litter, are eating plenty and are being vocal. They are getting used to us, Basil is more confident and will let you pick him up, purrs and likes attention. Piglet is still a little nervous but will still approach if you have food and will let you touch him. We did change their names Basil = George Piglet = Edward.
1 week: both doing really well, running around a lot and chasing each other, eating well. George is very comfortable with us now. Edward is still quite nervous but making progress and getting more confident
1 month: no feedback.

Piglet aka Edward

Basil aka George

(A suitable pair of names to celebrate the 70th royal anniversary).

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