Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Adoption Tails: Diego and Samiri

Diego and Samira

3 days: Diego has been renamed to Aslan (Turkish for Lion) befitting the name already given to his sister Samiri, which is also Turkish. They are settling in well. They have investigated her entire home and sleep in their safe room at night. They eat all of their morning and night meals and are very active, playing with toys and each other. They are also using the litter tray well. She has started to feed them in the kitchen. One of them was lying in front of the heater in the lounge and the other was settled on top of a lounge chair to watch TV for about 10 mins before returning to their safe room. She has bought a 3-level play tree with beds and scratching posts and also assorted toys for them to play with. They like to be around her but they keep a distance of about 1 metre. They’re doing very well for 3 days, especially as they have not been conditioned to be around people at all. They now eat downstairs with their owner in the kitchen. Every day they are becoming more confident and starting to show their personalities.1 week: They are settled into a routine. Toileting is all normal and everyone is getting on well. The lighter-coloured one is a good chatter and she can stroke them on the back and they follow her around a bit. The darker one is more timid, but is interacting more each day. They are playing more with their owner and now sit near her while they’re playing with their toys. She assembled a play house for them and has left it in a sunny spot by the window for them while they’re left alone today.1 month: They are doing well. Felling more at home. Their owner can pet Aslan most of the time and he comes up to her for pats. Samira is still more timid. There’s a certain time in the evening when she’s sitting by the window and she’ll sometimes allow a pat. They both sit near her and interact when she plays with them with toys. They’re both eating well and are more settled because they don’t react to different noises so easily. Both won’t allow her to pick them up but she thinks it’ll change with time. The next step will be brushing them because they'll be shedding their winter coats soon. They are very happy and well looked after. Their bond is slowly making progress. Aslan decided to sit next to her on the lounge tonight which is a new thing.

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