Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Ginger magic

 Gina was chosen yesterday and her excited person came in today to do the paperwork. I think they will be very happy together. Gina didn't quite make the website.


The woman who adopted Coco last week thought she would be able to pick her up today after her ankle surgery yesterday. Wishful thinking, I thought. She didn't come. Skittles is happy to have her mum with her as long as possible.

Coco and Skittles
The smelly boys below Hana have been desexed. Duke is out back until a single condo becomes available.

Bowie is still on naughty row because he had an undescended testicle and had to have exploration in his abdomen to find it. He is wearing a collar (of shame). And didn't pose for a photo.

We have an new big faced ginger boy in the main room with a name that starts with a Z. . . . impossible for either Joy (thanks for all the photos!) or I. He is very chilled. [Zatoichi is his name. He was with a foster carer who named him after a blind eyed Samurai because Zatoichi had Entropion surgery done at the beaches vet. The rescuer kept him until we had a spot at SAFE. . . . thank you Irene. As it is a Japanese name it will be pronounced Za - toe - itchy]


Also new out front is Eric and Lucy. Don't know where they came from but one is friendly and the other hissy. Lucy and Eric are siblings, who were in separate foster homes for 6 weeks. Lucy was bitten by a dog and had part of her tail amputated. They were rescued from Condell Park way.

Eric and Lucy
And Leon and Teddy have moved into Suzie's double. Can't tell them apart either.


More questions. . . . Kiki is supposed to be a black cat. But when I tried out a cunning brush* on her this afternoon, her face looked black but her back looked deep, delicious, chocolate brown.

* Sandy and I sorted through the three containers of brushes, combs, nail clippers and other grooming aids. One was a glove with plastic knobs all over. To see if it worked  I tried it on Kiki. She loved it and I looked closely at her fur.

** The three containers are nicely separated and arranged now. Worn out or otherwise useless tools have been discarded.

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