Irene has been badgered by people who want Coco because she looks like a Siamese. The most persistent woman said that her friend is allergic to all cats except British Shorthairs and Siamese. She brought him along with her to test out his allergy to Coco at 1:30 on the dot. Even after I took him around to see everybody who was available he didn't have any allergic symptoms. So, either the anti-allergenic food works or . . . . . ? While I tried to get him to sneeze, she fell in love with Coco who is no more Siamese than I am.
Coco |
Neither is her daughter, Skittles, who was still hiding in the carrier they were delivered in from the foster home at around noon.
Skittles |
We did the adoption (with difficulty but with Irene's help by phone) and Coco will stay with Skittles until she is picked up next week after her new owner's ankle operation is done.
Later in the afternoon, a young woman came with her friend. She has badgered her mother into letting her have a cat. The first cat inside the door is Sandy, in the stand alone that housed Abbey (adopted). It was love at first sight. She met everybody else and is going to talk to mum about it.
Sandy |
Florence has been moved into Mayka (adopted)'s stand alone. I gave her a cuddle rug and she tried to pull it around until I slung it over her shelf and she loves it there.
Florence |
Their crates in Incoming have been dismantled and removed to storage. The extra space is grand. Cass could tell that Mia's kittens needed a hammock. The three tabbies let the tuxedo sleep in it all by himself.
Separate sleeping arrangements
But come dinner time, the tabbies claimed prime feeding position while the tuxedo had to eat downstairs. I don't think they had the same mother.
3 up/1 down. (No escape interest when there is food around.)
Hanna, in Naughty Row is chirruping. We think she may be on heat because the boys below her haven't been desexed yet. She wants to be seen, for a change.
Hanna (always an escape risk)
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