Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Adoption Tails: Dynamo

Dynamo and his new owner on adoption day

 1 day: He is currently very timid and is hiding in the cat house or bathroom shelf where he has shelter. He has used the litter tray, but so far she has not seen him eat - unless he ate while she was asleep. He is very gentle and will let his owner pet him anywhere, but not pick him up.1 week: Dynamo is going very well. He has warmed up more over the past week and is eating properly and slowly getting more affectionate (his owner was able to scratch his tummy for a few seconds and then he changed position to tell them to scratch a different area). He is getting used to being around his owner and new noises as he is always watching his owner. He has explored his owner’s room once and is still a bit shy and timid. He is very cautious when exploring, but he is slowly getting more confident. He is definitely much comfier now than when he was first brought him home and his owner can’t wait until he understands that this is his home and is safe. He has been renamed to Pickles.1 month: Pickles is going well. He is still very timid and scared and he still runs away when walking near him or trying to pet him (sometimes). He is sleeping in his bed most of the time so that’s a good sign, but still cautious when petting him sometimes when in bed. She thinks she’s doing okay so far and is trying to get him used to being pet before eating. She also sits next to him when he eats. She’s been very slowly trying to get him used to being touched on his feet and tummy whilst eating, but she understands it could take a couple of months or longer for Pickles to fully trust her. He is very cautious of hands but is okay with feet.

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