Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Adoption Tails: Foster litter adoptions

 Here are the follow ups for the litter from foster care. It was Chester and Mapel (adopted together), Grace and Leo (adopted together), then Fergus and Chase separately.Chase1 day: They have decided to change his name to Radley. He is settling in so well, he was almost immediately confident in the house and spends all of his time exploring and playing. He pooped in his litterbox within an hour of being there and is eating and drinking well. He is currently taking his nap on his owner and kneading their face whilst he sleeps.1 week: Radley sleeps in his owner's bed and uses their ear as a dummy. "He's having a ball, we're lucky to get him."1 month: Radley is doing very wellChester and Mapel1 day: They are doing really well. Both are eating well and using the litter tray for pees and poos. They are getting along with each other, playing and sleeping together. They have also been affectionate with the family too. Chester has been renamed to Marvin and the spelling of Mapel’s name is now Maple. They have been trying to escape from their safe room and they are struggling to keep them in. They might try letting them explore for a bit tomorrow and bring them back into their safe room. She thinks they would love to explore but wants to keep them in their safe rooms in the evening and at night. They are so happy, giving big purrs when they want to. Marvin decided to sleep on their owner’s lap in the evening.2 days: They were let out of their safe room to explore a portion of the space today. They have access to their safe room with the litter and food. They will put them back in if they aren’t being watched or when the family needs to go out. Maple wanted to nap on their husband’s lap while he is working on the computer and Marvin was with their older girls and blankets on the sofa. They are so settled. They enjoyed a big run around the living area and the bedrooms are blocked off for now. She thinks they’re going to put them back into their safe room at night until they can predict them better.1 week: They are roaming the house as they wish. They don’t want to go into their safe room anymore so their food and litter have been relocated. They have a box for comfort and places to hide. They generally prefer the top of the sofa or someone’s lap. They are happy and settled really well. They just want to be where the family is most of the time.1 month: They’re growing fast, especially Marvin. They have their last kitten vaccination next week. Super cuddly kittens. They have their very playful moments and come for cuddles when they want quiet time. “They are really lovely kittens, I couldn’t have wished for more affectionate beautiful kittens to join our family.”Grace and Leo (5302 and 5305)1 day: They’re settling in very well and are adored. They are very happy in their safe room. They’ve eaten all of their food and are using the litter box. They have kitten biscuits, kitten wet food, water and toys1 week: Little angels are up to mischief regularly. They have been in mostly one room with the owner but also a bigger lounge space, and overnight in their playpen. They're settling in and their characters are growing.1 month: Grace has been renamed Lucy/Lulu. They’ve doubled in size but Leo is bigger because he eats lots of Lucy/Lulu’s food. They’re doing very well and race and play constantly. They’re going to be introduced outside on leashes soon. Their older cat has adapted well and plays too.Fergus1 week: He has settled so well into their home and family. He is currently purring on his owner’s lap while she tries to fight a head cold. “We are so happy to have adopted him.” He has free reign of nearly all rooms and is very inquisitive. They’re keeping his name as they think it really suits him. “So much happiness in our house now.”1 month: He’s so loved. “Can’t quite believe it’s only been one month”

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