Somehow Milo got out of his condo overnight and had a marvelous time. He managed to climb to the top of the condos and knock down lots of cat carriers. Then he rumaged through the food shelves. It was the start of a mayhem morning. Six vollies were rostered on and only 2 arrived as well as some trainees but no Rosanna. (They were sent home. She arrived later). When I arrived early (-ish) I was greeted with joy.
Imagine my horror later in the afternoon when, after showing Tiger's visitors* the other cats available, when I came to handing out the chicken, his condo door was wide open. I did a quick scoot around and couldn't see him anywhere. But I did see two of the kittens who were supposed to be in the Cannin stand-alone, under the adjacent grey trio's stand alone. I promptly shut the door of "Incoming". Then Katie told me that Milo had gone, with Tim, to the vet. . . relief. I told her about the Incoming runaways. . . . consternation. But Geoff comes in on Friday afternoons and he is expert at corralling critters.
TIger |
*Tiger's visitors were a young woman and her father. She has a rag doll (female) who is dying of cancer. So she has all the digestive food at home already. And understands about sloppy, smelly poos and up-chucks. Perfect person. She was very impressed with his looks. And moved in for lots of strokes. He wasn't so impressed with all that attention at face level from complete strangers. And he bit her. Not hard but warningly. He also bit her dad. And he has bitten another potential adopter.
So, my suggestion is not to try to introduce a stranger at face level in his condo when he can't get away. But to let him out when a likely customer comes and let them meet over a cup of tea at the desk. This afternoon's visitor will think about it. I gave her the information sheet about how to introduce a newcomer to your resident cat. Fingers crossed.
Biscuit, next door to Tiger, also went to the vet this morning. She needs some teeth removed.. . . hence the slack tongue.
Biscuit |
And below Tiger is Fred who has come in from his foster home because all his siblings were adopted and the fosterer has to go away. Poor little Fred is confused.
Fred |
We had a delivery of litter bags. . . not before time. There were none
left. Along with the 15 Kg bags came a tiny kitten who can't weight
150gm. It seems that her mum moved the rest of the family and left her
behind. Her name is Kitten and she is friendly.
Kitten | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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