Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Simba gone

 He was adopted on Sunday afternoon. I don't think a reader of this blog adopted him. But the vibe might have helped.

Diamond was adopted today: one of Ruby's fluffies is to be a surprise for a child this afternoon.

Lots of vollies meant that the cleaning was done early. On Helen's suggestion I helped with the washing up and it certainly went faster with one to wash and rinse and the other to spray with bleach and, eventually, F10. 

In the afternoon we let single cats out to wander in the barricaded Welfare area. First were Tibby and Tabby with Helena and Kate in the Top Cat. They mostly stayed on their shelf and watched but one did come down to greet her friends. (I don't know who is who). We sterilized the floor between cats.

Kate and Helena
Then Phantom had a run (stagger) and a smooch with Lucy. Then Ginger George came out to play. (He had been swearing at me from his condo while the youngsters were out). I went out back to unpack some tins and who should come wandering out to me but Ginger George. I escorted him back to the enclosure thinking that he had jumped over the barricade. 
Calvin actually moved to make friends with Ginger

But he promptly crawled under Milo's stand alone, turned left at the windows and crawled under the trolley to freedom! I have since put a longer sheet over Milo's stand alone that falls to the floor. I don't think it will fool Ginger but it is worth a try.

Vicky wanted some photos of Jolene. I changed her Elizabethan collar to a smaller one that she could walk in and she had a lovely wander to say hello to Tibby and Tabby. 

Jolene ignores Tia
She ignored the tender chirrups that Taylor's mum made at her. She must be missing her son.

This morning Lucy distracted Mia with some creamy treat while I cleaned her downstairs without incident. Later Judy thought that there was a strong smell of urine coming from the cat carrier that she doesn't sit in. While it was quiet I decided to remove the carrier so donned the giant blue gloves and picked up the large picker upper. As I approached Mia's condo she screeched at me. I turned around and took off the gloves, hung the picker upper back on the wall and apologised to Mia. Maybe somebody can try it one morning. Maybe she likes the smell. Maybe it is Biscuit above who might just be on heat.

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