Thursday, March 9, 2023

Love is the key

A woman came in this afternoon to pick up Phantom. She had been in earlier and done the paperwork. She said that she just fell in love with him. And I believed it from the look on her face. He had had a run around before she arrived. I gave her some of his special food because she has found that you can only buy ZD on-line. I think he has landed on his wobbly feet.

Prada is to move into Phantom's condo. She will be much happier there where she can chat to folk at face level not try to talk to the top of their heads.


The C kittens are still in the play place. 

But the Palace has been reserved for them because Ruby only has one little jewel left. This afternoon a woman rang to ask if we had any kittens. I said we did and lots in foster homes. They arrived shortly afterwards and chose Sapphire because they have a 12 month old girl cat at home and I said they should have a boy to go with her. The other jewels were adopted on March 4, 8 and 9. The adopter's partner said that the cat at home gets 4 sachets of food every day plus crunchies. I agreed with her that was way too much.  He showed a photo of a very long, slender cat. (Maybe she has worms). But I advised them not to cut her rations when Sapphire came home because she will blame the kitten and make his life hell once they get together.

Jolene has a larger collar on again. Her tummy wound is looking a bit inflamed.  It didn't stop her having a lovely run around this afternoon.

Ace calmly cleaned Mia's condo this afternoon. She didn't swat or scream. I think she loves him. And he couldn't smell anything bad in Mia's condo. So perhaps it is Biscuit above after all.

PS Thanks Joy for the photo from Wednesday. I didn't have a chance to dig my camera from my bag this afternoon.

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