Friday, March 24, 2023

Jolene adopted

 That is what the sign on her condo says. But she is still with us and will be here until next Wednesday. And she will come back in May when her mum goes on holiday. Her mum is keen to volunteer with us so we will get lots of updates about her and photos.

Jolene adopted
The paperwork wasn't done until I muddled through the process early this afternoon. So she was still on our website. There were lots of disappointed potential adopters but Katie chose her new person because she doesn't have any other small critters in the house. She will need to take great care of those tender back legs.

The small stand alone beside the merch shelves has been moved into Incoming and has an occupant from Greenacre. Paprika was rescued from a local who throws boiling water over the stray cats to get rid of them. Some cats have had been blinded by this treatment. Paprika looked at me and blinked. She is fine.

Salazar didn't feel well today. His breathing was laboured and he didn't eat his breakfast! So after being on laps all morning he was taken to the vet this afternoon. Dr Chris couldn't hear anything wrong with his heart. All the TLC probably cured him.

Lola had a wander around this afternoon. She behaved very well. I took advantage of her absence from her stand alone to change all her bedding. She appreciated it when I enticed her back inside with chicken.

Clean Lola
At chicken time I couldn't entice Charlie and Champ out of their cat carrier even though this is the most I have ever seen of them.

 one leg of Charlie or Champ

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