Thursday, March 2, 2023

Tummy rubs

 The parvo load is lifting at Safe Haven. Arc took the Royal Canin stand alone out into the corridor, took it to pieces, scrubbed it, disinfected it multiple times and reassembled it. It has never looked so good.

I shared some chicken this afternoon which made the cats happy.  Ruby and her little jewels are in the Palace and Max was in the play place. And some were allowed, separately in the Top Cat constrained area. Tibby and Tabby were allowed out to "run" first. Tabby has lost balance by being confined. Then Phantom had a "run". He too does better with regular exercise. Then Ginger George was allowed out because he has been grumpy. He had a lovely time visiting all his condo mates.
Bassuria extending a paw to Ginger George
He played with his toys like a kitten (with a short attention span).
And he sat at my feet wanting head rubs.
Ginger George

Another who wanted rubs was Milo. When he first arrived he hid (sulked) on the bottom of his stand alone. After a week he sat there. On Wednesday he has made it to the lower shelf. Today he was in the triangular hammock so I put in a square hammock near the top of his stand alone, hoisted him into it and he became the friendliest cat ever! Rolled over and invited me to tickle his tummy! Couldn't get enough cuddles. What a change!
Marvelous Milo

The Secret room has been vacated. I understand that this is our TV.

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