Friday, June 30, 2023

Missed out

As expected, several folk came yesterday to adopt Hank having come earlier in the week and not deciding on the spot to take him. They were disappointed. But we do tell folk that we don't "bags" cats. It is a matter of "first out or the house, best dressed."

 I didn't find time to sew the name tag pockets on the rest of the aprons this afternoon. I will try again next Wednesday. And I forgot my pinny so had to wear an apron, with my name on it much to the delight of the few remaining vollies and relief of the visitors.

A pair of young women came to spend time with the cats. Perhaps they came to us rather than go to the cat cafe over the hill on Eastern Valley Way. It is called Jiji's and charges $15 each to spend 20 minutes with their cats. These women spent at least an hour socializing with the cats who were out. They didn't get a cup of coffee though.

And a couple came to check out our cats. I gather they are fosterers and currently have a foster cat for just a few weeks more. They (she rather then he) is well up on our cats for adoption list as well as other shelters' lists. Are they shopping around for the nicest foster cat? Tiger gave them the regal swipe. Ginger George loved them. (But he doesn't need fostering. He needs a home. . . . and more food.)

Ginger George
Robyn caught Helena and Callie investigating his stand alone on Wednesday. (No surplus food there!)

Callie, inside and Helena in GG's stand alone

She also got a good photo of Leon who looks better than he did (believe it or not).


Aslan has a scratch on his nose. (When I went to take a photo and my camera battery went flat.) I suspect it was Simon because I'd put everybody else back in to let out Aslan after I let out Simon and Ruby who deigned to come out too. It certainly wasn't Lucky who was back in his condo and he wouldn't scratch a fly. (He made friends with both lots of visitors).

Lucky on Wednesday (Robyn's photo)
When I left Davo was having a wander and Geoff was in charge of the race of the Maggie brood.

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