Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Second bin

 We now have two Cousin waste bins and one paper Cousin bin. They emptied one of the two waste bins this morning but not the paper bin. But they did empty the paper bin earlier in the week. All good progress. We will hang onto our Willoughby bins until the Cousins are working twice a week, every week.

Geoff brought us a cat who had been found tick bit in a bit of bushland that his firey friends were burning off. The cat went to the vet for paralysis treatment and has recovered. Dean asked me what kind of cat he was. I answered "a shaved cat". He is very, very friendly. Goodness knows how he found his way into the bush. His name is Davo.

Davo, shaved cat

Another friendly newcomer is Jordan. He is way below Pearl (at floor level). He is a happy, stocky, energetic, hungry kitten who will be a delightful pet.
Maeve is settling back down to be her purring, loving self.
Gingi has been moved into Incoming because his skin is breaking out again. He is allowed to wander in the afternoon and he may be scavanging food that he is not supposed to eat. He enjoyed being carried in my arms. His condo is needed for boarders. I hope that Pearl will be adopted before the next holidays. She is getting so confident and loving.

Another kitten moved out of Incoming is Dahlia. She where Ussie used to be. Ussie was adopted over the weekend as was Chanel and Luigi. Don't think Dahlia will last long.


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