Friday, June 23, 2023

Happy Pearl

 Today I discovered that it was our Arc who adopted Pearl. What a relief. I imagined that he was devastated that she had been snatched from him. She loved him best at Safe Haven. And from the photos loves him best at home too.


A woman came in today to do the paperwork to adopt Aster. She had been taken off the list because of the ringworm spot on her ear. But this woman and her daughter had seen her and fallen in love. They are convinced that she will fit right in with their 16 year old cat and doodle dog. And they are happy to wait until mid July to pick her up. She will be much bigger then than she is in this photo with her sibling River.

And a couple came in with Luna, aka Maisy whom one of them adopted 3 years ago from us. They are going to move in together and are uncertain whether their separate cats will get on well together. So Luna is getting time out with us while they sort out the move.
Maisy/Luna tells of when she arrived.

Kat has some bare patches under both ears. It is probably food sensitivity. Ringworms are not bilateral. She really wants her own person to love.


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