Friday, June 9, 2023

Pink carpet

 The blue Cousins bin (of cardboard/paper waste) was emptied today. But the red bin wasn't. Never mind. I promptly refilled the blue bin with the boxes that were delivered with merchandise for us to sell. Included were 5 large boxes with 4 large cat carriers in each. It took some time to put the first one together. But the second one was much quicker. It is a superior cat carrier and comes with a spare screw and a water/food bowl that attaches to the door. And the price was right.

And the blue bin is full again.

Two visitors this afternoon. One was doing the paperwork for Martini who is in a foster home. I assumed that Martini was a boy name (perhaps influenced by memories of Dean Martin). But this Martini is a girl. The new printer had a conniption fit and needed Katie and Tim's attention to get it to print out the relevant forms.

The other visitor spent lots of time looking for two boy cats, preferably with long hair to adopt. All his family have long haired cats. Kenzie and Hanna would have been perfect. . . . if they were boys (and available).

Hanna enjoyed her grass this afternoon
He fell in love with short haired Jordan. . . what is not to love.

And with Aster who is a girl and short haired.

And with Virgo's brood of boys who will be available later this weekend.

Eventually he decided to come back later this weekend when he has consulted his partner (who has 3 cats and a labradoodle) and his daughter who lives with him.

In the meantime, Maxwell had a bath yesterday. The water was brown. But he still looks grubby.

And Davo is wrapping the staff around his shaved paws.


 And finally I couldn't resist taking a photo of the house a few doors up the street with the newly landscaped front yard. Camellias have been spectacular this year.

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