Friday, June 16, 2023


 I noticed today that the Morten Bay Fig that grows on the cliff opposite our verandah is not looking well. A section of it's leaves are yellowed. Morten Bay Fig trees do not loose their leaves in autumn. I suspect it might be happening because somebody, with a chain saw, cut through the roots that run down the cliff face to the gutter beside our driveway. This may have been a spectacularly stupid thing to have done. Time will tell.

In the meantime, two of Virgo's boys have been adopted. She looks much more relaxed than she did when she had five boy kittens. Here she is with everybody piled on top of her. Her daughter is wearing the collar.
Virgo +4

 And Jordan got adopted. Of course. 

Milo has a leave by date: June 24. He can't wait to get home.


Maeve has moved to above Chia et al. She might regret the move because they are a rowdy lot and she enjoyed the peace and quiet of the Boarding row. I didn't have any trouble moving her. She stayed in her box. If you miss Opie, he might be hiding in the blue box in the foyer.

Where's Opie?

Geoff spent some time trying to ensure that the Top Cat is safe for the folk who set it up. There is a cord at the top between the middle bit and one side that ensures that the "roof" does not fall onto somebody's head when it is swung over and that cord is not in place. If you disconnect the cord in order to make it a line rather than a 3 sided square, please put it back when the apparatus is stashed or the next folk might be brained.

Geoff might be whisked off to Canada to help with the wild fires there. The organisers are overwhelmed so it might not happen which will be good for us. But imagine what interesting critters he could rescue in the Canadian wilderness!

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