Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Ahchoo, choo, choo

 The flu train has come to Safe. When I arrived this morning to do the early feed, Maggies boys in the stand alone by the filing cabinet were sneezing in chorus. I wheeled them into isolation. Before I left, with Tim's agreement, I folded down Adele's crate and moved them against the wall. There is a new cat in the opposite stand alone but I don't know her story. Blossom and her kittens seem to be recovering from their flu and have finished their meds.

Lola joined me in the foyer from Opie's room where she spent the night. Good thing to be out of sneezing range. She hopped back into her stand alone enticed by a pot of grass.

Sidney and his condo mates are sneezing. The R kittens in the Palace are sneezing. Kat is sneezing, Thelma and Louise are sneezing. Good thing everybody has been vaccinated.

Sydney was adopted by a woman who checked with her flat's agent if it would be OK to have a cat. He said it would be fine. She already has a dog. But the owner said that she couldn't have a cat. So Sydney came back. In the meantime Ainsley, who has fostered Sydney for the past ?9 months, took Shadow home in the hopes of getting rid of his skin condition. This morning when I left early to take DH to the eye doc, Ainsley was cuddling with Sydney so that the vollie could clean around her. Sydney never has liked strangers.

Lyra was adopted on Monday too.


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