Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Short orders

 Again I had to take DH to the eye doc today so was only at Safe long enough to feed everybody their breakfast. When I got home at 10:30am to pick up DH to take him, my Cody posed under the poppies.


He was still there when we got home after 3pm! Cats do spend 22 hours a day sleeping, just like ants. But they sleep very lightly so need the extra hours.

I was surprised when the first new vollies arrived shortly after 9am Evidently 9am to 1pm are the new vollie hours. Traffic will make them arrive like Brown's cows.

Loki (Maggie's all black) was adopted over the weekend. The woman who came to line up Astro on Friday brought her 2 daughters in on Sunday. One girl immediately had an allergic reaction to our cats so they went home empty handed despite all the preparation the Mum had done. We know a lovely dog that they can adopt!

Belle went home with her vollie. Kat has moved into her condo. It is smaller than her previous condo and won't offer her the same variety of beds.  It was also pretty warm in there this morning.

I will share some of Joy's fab photos from last Wednesday.

Jagger has long legs

Louis is settling down

Chonk has lost his parfum de bloke

Aslan is available for adoption

PS. DH had to have an injection into his left eye. He is still lying down.

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