Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Short time

 I was supposed to drive my husband to his eye doc this morning so only went to Safe to give everybody their breakfast. His doc called in sick and he didn't go after all but will go next week (perhaps).

Several adoptions over the weekend. Opie went home with Ark and his stand alone is occupied by Holly who used to be in Incoming above Tiger who she came in with. She settled down in Incoming very well and sought pats after a couple of weeks. But she doesn't like change and is hiding in a box on the floor of the stand alone behind a sheet.

Donatella and McQueen were adopted! He looks like he had some inkling in this photo that I took on Friday. Donatella will hide for a month! Billy is in their stand alone by the front door.


Maggie's kittens were STARVING, of course. Five minutes after bolting their breakfast they started to bounce off the walls of the play place. The R kittens in the Palace were mesmerized. I was still handing out breakfasts at the time and by the time I found my camera they had all settled down.

Raven, etc

Maggie's kittens
Britney was adopted and Billy is all by herself.


 Robyn reported later today the Billy was adopted this afternoon as well!

And in Incoming, Roger is looking much better but is still a messy kitten. (Thanks for the photos Joy)


1 comment:

  1. So glad McQueen and Donatella have been adopted. Surprised that they were not snapped up earlier - - gorgeous cats!
