Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Flip a box

 Holly got out of her box at breakfast time for a pat. So later in the day, I tried to find her a larger box that she could sit up in. I couldn't find or make one. So I tipped her box on it's edge. She can sit as well as lie in it this way and it is wedged under the shelf so won't fall over.

Of course, she didn't like it. She migrated upwards to her top shelf where she made eyes at me, accepted pats and long body strokes and eventually purred. She climbed into the hammock for more cuddles. Vicky gave her more. She is a reformed cat. 

Her erstwhile partner, Tiger, didn't eat, poo or wee overnight. He might have the flu.

Annie on top of Arlo
Annie is back from the vet and Arlo has been ejected from the hammock while she recovers from being desexed as an adult. (Go Annie!)

A woman arrived after lunch to adopt Junior and Lucy. She has been stalking our Adoption Page so that she could get a red headed kitten for her two red headed girls. She bought lots of stuff and they will be happy, much loved kittens.

Speaking of which: Libby was adopted over the weekend. Her new owner emailed to say that she has chosen her favourite placeto sit: a small table by a window and she certainly looked comfortable on an embroidered, white tablecloth. Both are very happy.

Klaus is in boarding. He was our May cat on FB. He has the most unusual long, brown hair on his chest. I found a brush for him which he loves.


Talking of love: Leon loves a new, arty blanket.


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