Friday, September 1, 2023

M' Mayhem

 Maggie's kittens were moved to the play place this afternoon. They had a fabulous time throwing themselves at speed from the top of the scratchy pole to the bottom of the multilevel hanging thing which they scrambled up on the outside. Then back down and around again. They did eventually wear themselves out.

Mariko who was a volunteer last year and who offered to foster Rebel has adopted him as well as Melody! Isn't she amazing! And she rescues mice from a breeder!

Molly has a sign that says that she is "Adopted Maybe" and will be picked up on Tuesday. Of course, there was a call from a lady who fancies her from the website. I said that she should call back on Wednesday to see if the maybe is a maybe not.

Molly wasn't saying anything
The muralist has added some cushions to the hallway.

And somebody managed to make a hole in the wall. I think she is clever enough to paint a cat disappearing into the hole.

1 comment:

  1. The Molly on the website is a different one, who is in foster.
