Wednesday, August 30, 2023

A wink is as good as a kiss

 Despite there having been no adoptions listed on the website over the weekend, in fact adoptions happened. We had run out of space on the www/cloud/wherever so the website hadn't been updated.

First news:

Rosie and Callie were adopted, together of course. That was a huge shock to Jagger who, when let out for his afternoon run, tried to run into their condo but couldn't because it was being cleaned. He settled on Lyra's condo above Rosie and Callie's. Lyra wasn't too thrilled. 

Lyra and Jagger

I eventually enticed him out with some treats and got him back (via the top of the condos) to his own place.

Adele is between Lyra and Jagger because the two fluffy tailed kittens who were adopted before they got listed by a vollie have gone home. She wasn't happy in the morning. She wouldn't get out of the carry cage that transported her there to eat her breakfast. So I put a modesty cloth over the big window. Some time later she got up on her shelf to see what was going on. So I took the modesty cloth and the carry cage away.


Her kittens, Billy and Britney, are in the stand alone that loiters beside the filing cabinet.

Billy and Britney

That means that the only cats in Isolation are Maggie's kittens. Maggie, who is the only one with ringworm traces left, has been moved into Incoming near the wormy cats there. Her kittens went to Olympic Park for the Cat Show over the weekend. They had such a lovely time meeting and greeting the crowds that they no longer want to run out of their enclosure but just want to play and be freindly/fed.

Copper and Citrine were picked up this afternoon by a young couple who looked very happy.

Copper and Citrine
 As was Deleon (deaf Leon) who when home with a mother and her adult son who have an outdoor enclosure prepared for him. I was so thrilled to expedite their adoption that I forgot to print the contract. Katie will email it to them for them to sign. There is no way he will come back as they are bespotted already.

Best news last: Opie has been adopted. He will be picked up on Sunday. By our Ark! And will be best friends with Pearl.

Opie . . . he is winking!



  1. I'm so happy to hear Opie is being adopted!! That makes me to happy. Well done Arc for giving him his forever home 😊

  2. Yay opie. This has made my day. ☺️☺️

  3. Great news about Opie. It will be quiet without him.
