Friday, May 17, 2024

Ricki gone

 Those folk did come first thing on Thursday to adopt Ricki. I did wonder because she was still on the for adoption list on Friday morning. The system is not perfect (which matches some of the vollies!) And Jerry has an adopter panting for him. He will be desexed next Tuesday. He was in the Play Place when I arrived this afternoon and wasn't very happy with the service there.


While Robyn and I sat to tell PC what a handsome boy he is

PC on "his" blanket on the chair that he has scratched and made dirty

since going to the vet and getting a good wash (not to mention an abscessed tooth removed and treatment for his yeast infection), both Yin and Yang got out of their beds, stretched, had a poo (Yin), ate a mouthful and went back to bed. This is frenetic compared to their usual level of activity. They do like pats while in bed.
The cloth that I dropped down between them and Prue and Trude seems to be working. But I think P & T will breach the barrier unless Geoff can install something less pullable.

"Wasn't me" says Prue about the pulled through cloth

Robyn caught Riley saying "Keeping you up?" to Miz. Or is she saying "I'll bite you with my tooth"

Riley and Miz

They are seeking pats now having got over their sulks at being condemned to a Safe Haven.

And Florence and Fleur were desexed. They will probably be adopted by next week. Too cute.

The proper way to wear an Elizabethan collar as shown by Florence

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