Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Blossom adopted

 She was adopted yesterday last thing. Don't know who to. And I can't imagine why she should have been chosen ahead of Cindy Clawford, Betty or Pickle. But, thank goodness, . . . . it takes all types. And we have a cat to match any type.

Including a new boy called Big Kahuna. When seen from the rear you can tell that he was well named but that they have been taken care of. From the front, he has chopped off whiskers and several wounds around his neck that necessitate the Elizabethan collar and shave job.

Big Kahuna
Don't know why his whiskers were cut unless it was to "stop him from leaving his new home". This was supposed to work like buttering the cat's paws to keep it in a new house. Old wives tales might work some times. And I don't know how he got the wounds but he is a real sweetie.

As is Mr Garfield in Incoming now that he has stopped screaming for attention. He has learned that meals come at regular intervals and that cuddles and naps are allowed.

Mr Garfield
We have a new girl called Annabelle who is in Michelle's small stand alone by the front door. I don't think she will last as long as Michelle did because she is white and just as friendly. Don't know her history.
Bonny and Ricky have been moved from Isolation. They used to compete for food there but seem to be friends now.

Bonny and Ricky (on the right)

And what was Lola doing today?


She put herself into her stand alone, settled down in her hammock and then made love to her blankie! Talk about teaching old cats new tricks!

And the Fab Five. . . .

happily eat anything they are given. 

Thanks for the photos Joy and Robyn. (Have a good trip Joy and lovely to have you well enough to spend time with us Robyn.)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Prue - Blossom was adopted by a nice couple who had some smooches with her and spent some time cuddling and patting her. We explained her temperament but they seemed up for the challenge and it was a great win on Tuesday :)
