Friday, May 24, 2024


 You will have noticed that there are more cats on the for Adoption web page. Irene came in today and helped Tim make some decisions. 

Consequently, Josh and Jake have left Josie on Better Row and moved into Bonny's condo. They trashed it within 5 minutes. So Josie must have been exerting some discipline on them when they shared a condo. With any luck, Terry will do his magic tomorrow and they will be gone.

There were also cats moved to foster homes. The three kittens who came in on Wednesday have gone to another foster home. Elsa has gone to a foster home (good luck with that wild child!) As has Tiger and the two little tabbies from Incoming.

Now in a foster home
Plus, this afternoon Annabelle was adopted by a vollie.

And Fleur was adopted by a woman who adopted another of our kittens a few months ago. He is pining for a playmate so Fleur is a lucky kitten. Florence and Freya were in a mourning ball after she left.

I have solved the problem of Barry eating Blaze's food. Put down their dishes in separate corners of their stand alone. When Barry has gobbled most of his meal, he rushes over to gobble Blaze's. Pick him up and put him back in front of his dish. Repeat this procedure until Blaze has finished most of his meal. Then when Barry rushes over, move his dish to the spot where Blaze's was and vice versa. And move Blaze to the other side of the condo in front of his dish. Barry will settle down and demolish the final few scraps that he left in his dish. I don't suppose that this will work for long. But it might work for long enough for Blaze to put on a bit of weight.

Too busy to take any photos this afternoon. I even forgot to eat my lunch. Some photos from Wednesday.

Cooper got a little walk this afternoon

One of the Wednesday vollies wants Bubbles. Today I learned that one of the Friday vollies wants her too.


Sebastian and Pebbles are on the for adoption list. We must get them out of the corner.

Pebbles and Sebastian in Incoming

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