Friday, May 3, 2024

Short Friday

 I am away this weekend and had to leave Safe Haven early. And where I am staying while it has WiFi the system doesn't allow me to upload photos. I will add them when I get home. In the meantime

When I arrived Cindy Clawford was accepting the adulation of all the vollies. She is an excellent cat to use to teach inexperienced cat handlers how to pick up a cat. She just loves it all and can be held like a baby and passed from arm to arm. (By the time I uploaded the photos at home, Cindy was no longer on the "For Adoption" page of the Safe Website. So I assume that she has been adopted. Also gone from there areDaisy, Pickle and Sandy. . . but Sandy had the sniffles on Friday so she might be on the sick list.)

Cindy Clawford
 I took the time to pat Yin and Yang. They loved it. And they loved the chicken that Arc handed out. He dropped by on his way home just to get a kitty fix.

Yin and Yang

We have two new cats in Boarding who are available:

Ricki who is a girl and is very people oriented. Her fosterer rang during the afternoon to find out how she was coping with the move. I held the phone next to Ricki so that her fosterer could hear her purring.

 Cooper, in the condo below, is not so outgoing but is a very chill cat.

 And Annabelle (in Michelle's stand alone) is available too. She won't last long.

A woman came in to find a cat to go with her collie type dog. Tim suggested Aslan who performed perfectly. But then Tim showed her Mr Garfield and I fear that she fell in love.

The squee kittens in Isolation have got ringworm. Cute, cuter and cutest has become wormy, wormier and wormiest. Such a shame.

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