Saturday, September 28, 2024

Adoption Tails: Sweet Pea, Liam

Sweetpea aka Peapea
2 days: All is going well. She has used the litter tray and enjoys her meals. She has been renamed Peapea.

 3 days: “We love her very much! She’s still having her lunch break now”

1.5 weeks: “She‘s so so active and affectionate”. Her owners are amazed at how fast she’s adapted to her new home. They’re also very surprised by her appetite, “this little kitten might have an adult one‘s stomach”


2 months: She’s growing so well. “I can see her little face that‘s getting fatter”


4 days: He has been eating, drinking, and using his litter. “He still runs under the bed as soon as he sees me but venturing out a little more.” He’s extremely active at night. His owners will be keeping his name.

1.5 weeks: "He’s doing really well. He is allowing me to pet him and is very playful. Our bond is getting better every day. I’m glad I stayed loyal and didn’t choose another cat. He is so cute”

5 weeks: “He’s totally at home”. He gets on his owner’s bed and they have great cuddles. He plays a lot and is eating well. They still can’t pick him up or bend down to pet him. “He’s a real chatty Catty. I think Liam is pretty happy”

Friday, September 27, 2024

Flying Tim

 He had to move Mickey into PC's condo because PC has moved onto Better Row as he is under closer veterinary scrutiny. Mickey didn't like the look of me when I suggested a move to him. So Tim picked him up and ran with him from Incoming to Welfare. Mickey quite likes his new digs which are more spacious.

Mickey in Welfare

And Tim had to do a similar trick with The Sheik who would not be picked up by anybody else to move into Rebecca's double condo. He has gone into the sulks again.
The Sheik
Rebecca was adopted this afternoon along with Akio by a young lad who NEEDED a pair of cats today and the one that he had chosen was adopted yesterday from foster. They will have to settle in separately but the family has space and Akio will adapt in no time at all and will keep the kid entertained over the school holidays. 

Paul, who was above Rebecca on Wednesday, was adopted yesterday. His condo is now occupied by Rochelle who is a very friendly champagne so she will probably go this weekend.


Taking about "friendly" . . . Stardust has had a change of personality. He now loves everybody. He has amazingly long whiskers which he needs because he is so fluffy as well as roundish. (Not overweight, of course.)

And as the Play Place was empty, I moved Kit there. He is such a big cat and is used to being out of doors. His condo is still his (for the moment).


But the treat of the day was Lola's toes. She came to supervise me when I ate my lunch.

Lola's toes

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

More kittens

 I didn't find time to dig out my camera, again. There were some great photo opportunities too. Like when Rebecca was trying to get Paul to come out to play in the Top Cat. (He couldn't get out of course, but it didn't stop her asking.)


Paul had two interested parties today. One, a father and daughter who lost the last of their 3 20year old-ish cats 6 months ago are ready for another cat (or two). He liked Paul under strict instructions from his wife to choose a ginger. And she liked The Sheik who has got used to his new digs and just loves people. They will return.

Another couple arrived and eventually settled on Paul but they don't have definitive permission from their corporate body to have a cat. They will get that as fast as possible and come in tomorrow at 10am to snaffle him.

They considered Sooty and Ivy but Paul was on form today.

Chelsea had her kittens overnight. One was very dead this morning. Possibly born dead. I had to be very sneaky to remove it. I put her breakfast outside her bedbox on the upper shelf and waited until she went to get it. Then I quickly closed her round door to keep her out of the bedroom while I did a quick clean up. The three remaining kittens are all black.

Friday, September 20, 2024

A quiet afternoon

 The only visitors were a young lass who has been before to spend time with the cats. She brought a friend this time. They had a fine time and will return. Teddy has got very used to being handled because of needing eye ointment three times a day. His condo mate Gigi has decided that "cuddles" are good for her too. The two visitors had a lap cat each.

I don't know whether I miscounted or kittens have disappeared.

Quin may have to have a name change to Quart.

Qu. . . with 4 kittens
Likewise Tilly only had 4 kittens today and a big spit at me.

Whitney in Isolation still has 3. One was having a piggy back.

Whitney plus 3

And Zali (also named Pansy) the pregnant mum in Incoming has rubbed off skin on her sides. Tim thought it might have been a reaction to fleas. I thought it was because her tummy is so round that she scrapes it on the sides of the porthole that leads to her bedroom. As the anti-flea medication didn't help the tummy wounds, Tim agreed that she be moved into condo 6 in Isolation. The portholes are much larger there!

Tim "fixed" the door to condo 6 for her.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

More Mums

 I thought from the dirty state of her condo that Tilly had her kittens last night. But it seems they were born on Saturday night. We did try to clean up the mess but she didn't like it. So we covered it with a bath mat. She has five kittens.

Just like the mum last Tuesday night whom we named Quin.

We named the Mum with 3 kittens in Isolation Whitney.

Whitney plus 3
 And the pregnant mum in Incoming Zali. Her tummy is as round and hard as a ball. She is very friendly.

 I doubt that these names will stick but there are just too many "pregnant mum" labels around.

Raj has settled down on Better Row and is super friendly.

LeClerk had to move out of the Palace which now houses three of Katie's cats. He is not real pleased with the move.

Sparkle is next door to Big Kahuna. Heidi is in the play place. She was returned because the husband thinks she looks too much like the previous beloved cat who got run over. Her son Axel has been adopted.
Sparkle and Big K
Plus, the Willoughby bins were collected at before 7am so I didn't have a chance to add more bags to the bins. They are back to the pre Covid schedule.

Friday, September 13, 2024


 Axel's mum Heidi got adopted today by a woman who had a pair of cats but one of them was run over. She is going to install a meshed outdoor enclosure for them (having learned her lesson). But she was keen to get a companion for the remaining young boy cat. Heidi will be perfect. She will easily keep him in order because he is not as young and rambunctious as Axel. 

Axel spent the afternoon, after his mum was whisked away, sound asleep on his ledge.

He is bound to be adopted tomorrow. There have been lots of enquires about him.

Ginnie's nose looks much better since Tim bathed it. She seems much happier now too.


It seems that Chad's side was shaved so that he could have an ultrasound. His kidney's passed that test but they discovered a bladder infection. He seems happier now too. There is one vollie on Wednesday who makes him purr with pleasure.

I think the new mum in Incoming should be called Quinie as she had quins. Then we could call the babies Quin, Qutie (pronounced cutie), Quincy, Quester, Queery. . . . 

Queenie plus 5
And the mum in Isolation could be called Tripy because she has triplets. The kittens could be Truth, Trial, Tribulation. . . . .
Tripy plus 3

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Light on vollies

 But those who came were splendid and all the work got done in record time. Thank you.

Fiona got adopted. A young man came to adopt her at 3:30pm. He had seen her on our website and decided that she was just the cat to go with his 1 year old kitten who really NEEDS another cat to play with (so that he can get on with his work). We did the deed in record time. He went off with a borrowed carrier and her litter tray (with litter but without the poo!) which he will return asap. Fiona was happy to go because she had a turn in the Top Cat so was feeling full of confidence.

Sooty also had a turn. She is a girl. Funny, I always though that Sooty was a boy's name.

Maybe she will get adopted tomorrow!

We had a couple of phone calls about Axel. But nobody came to give us their money and sign our paperwork. First IN, first served.

A mother and daughter came to find a replacement for a dearly beloved cat. They looked at all the availables. Pity that Ivy didn't play up to them. She is a kitten with a split personality. Sometimes she turns herself inside out to attract you. Other times she hides.

Much like Harper and Emma. They only come out of their shell when their foster mum comes (with chicken) for them to love on. Then they are completely different cats. . . full of love and purrs and invitations to interact. (Not the reactions they show when I open their doors to take a photo!)

Emma in the bed that her foster mum will wash when she is adopted


Friday, September 6, 2024

Joni adopted!

 The potential adopter rang on Wednesday to tell us that he intended to come to get her on Thursday. He has had lots of discussions with his partner and Irene about how shy Joni is and how they have another shy cat so know not to expect anything very soon. And, sure enough, he came on Thursday and did the deed! I hope they are all happy together. 

Fiona (from Isolation) has been moved into her condo. She has been cleared from ringworm (I assume).

And Tigger from Incoming moved into the stand alone by the door. Didn't like being moved. Doesn't like where he is (directly opposite Big Kahuna). But he will get used to it.

Stardust was making love/chirrups to visitors this afternoon. One lass comes regularly to socialize on a Friday afternoon. And one of our enthusiastic cat fosterers came in (with a bag of clean washing) to spend time. She said that she is attracted to the difficult cats. Stardust must have had her pegged!

I put Rebecca in the Top Cat. She was a happy cat. We can't decide if she is a tortie or a racoon. Her colouring is DRAMATIC when seen from the side.

I did one adoption for a foster cat, Luna, in  Dee Why. She will be picked up tomorrow and they are already planing on teaching her how to walk with a harness and to be bonded with their other cat.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

After time away

 I found that the laundry shelves were in chaos. What a treat that was for me because I could straighten them up the way I like them to be (which is, obviously, the BEST way for them to be).  I didn't take a before photo because it was just too chaotic.

Not to mention the bowls and dishes shelf! Now you can get what you want.

Lots of new faces but I was happy to see some familiars. Big Kahuna has almost got rid of his neck sores. Just one bare patch on his cheek. His cone is now connected to a harness which he cannot wiggle out of. Despite this, he is an absolute sweetie.
Big Kahuna posed for Joy

Gracie is more relaxed. She was practicing poking her whiskers through the mesh this afternoon.


And Sparkle has moved into the play place. He seems happy there.

When I arrive early, Lola was sitting in a patch of sunshine on the table by the front door. She was pleased to see me and allowed a stroke. Even Mia let me pat her from head to tail! I feel welcomed home.