I staggered into Safe Haven with a load of clean washing, a king size set of flannelette sheets that I have ripped up and hemmed into cloths suitable for bed liners or kitten wrappers and a basket of strawberry jam (in jars.)
Twizzle was having "time out". That usually means that you have to go and sit in a corner or other naughty place. At Safe Haven it means that it is your turn to be out of your condo to run and play. She took full advantage of the run and engaged me in a game of kick the ping pong ball. Every now and then she would run back to her condo just like she was running to
home in a game of hide and seek. What
was the sentence we used to chorus when we made it to home?
We have a new cat, Blossom: a 13 year old tortie. She is vocal but there is no bite to her "bark". I think she is just asking why she is here.

And there is another pair of boarders on the kitchen side of boarding against the wall. They would be easy to overlook if it wasn't for the Siamese-like wails that come from their condo. My guess is that Coco is the Burmese and he is the one who calls. They are only here for a week. I hope Mason's eyes relax before they go home.

Mason and Coco
I had to leave early to meet my sister in the Roseville shopping centre at 12:30 so I didn't get to play with the kittens. I didn't want to disturb them because they were being nursed when it was their turn. Tim has decided to call the queen Jewel.
I left in good time burdened by a bag of litter waste and had to drive around to find where the garbo's hadn't been yet. Finally found a bin with some space in Chatswood. And I wasn't too late for my sister.
(PS there is a good European deli in that shopping centre by the station.)